This is the second issue of Anima. This edition finds out about a new generation of architects and discovers how they train. It looks at the language of typography and at life on the Moon. Nathalie du Pasquier and Dieter Rams share their inspirations, and Samuel Ross predicts what is next. Welcome back.


Anima Issue 2

Introducing Issue 2 of Anima, featuring Nathalie du Pasquier, Mami Wata, Otl Aicher, Barbara Kruger, Samuel Ross, Alessandro Mendini, Dieter Rams and Ferran Adrià.Two of the designers we feature in this issue belong to the same generation. Dieter Rams and Alessandro Mendini were born within a year of each other, but it is hard to imagine two more different approaches, even if both had a certain distaste for the cruder aspects of commerce. Rams, throughout his career, has held to the belief that a designer is able to make a difference. That there is in absolute terms such a thing as good design, in both the performance and aesthetic sense, as well as the moral one. Mendini has always taken a

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Anima talks to perhaps the most successful and prolific furniture designer of his generation